CISCO Brand Alfalfa
Enduro Plus brand alfalfa is CISCO’s lineup of high-yielding, persistent, and high-quality alfalfas. These alfalfas have been selected to meet the priorities of your farming operation.
All Enduro Plus brand alfalfas are non-GMO and reasonably priced, giving you maximum return on investment. Enduro 420 HD, 423 AP, and 525 HD are all available with:
standard coating (coated/PI/Apron/Hydroloc QS C3)
Apex Green coating (potentially organic eligible, C3)
raw/PI (OMRI-approved inoculant)
Our new Enduro 430 HGP (high genetic purity) is available only with the standard coating (coated/PI/Apron/Hydroloc QS C3).
Fall Dormancy 5 Alfalfa - Dairy Quality
Enduro 525 HD® Alfalfa
FD 4.9; WSI 1.1; DRI 33/35
Enduro 525 HD® Brand alfalfa is an aggressive, very fast recovery, high forage yielding alfalfa. It should be harvested 25-30 day harvest schedule for best forage yield and quality. Enduro 525 HD® is a “Highly Digestible” alfalfa that expands the harvest window for capturing outstanding forage quality.
Choose this variety if you’re looking for outstanding yield, excellent forage quality, and long term persistence. Enduro 525 HD® is an exceptional choice for producers wishing to make dairy quality hay, and a lot of it.
July 28 photo. Year 1 Spring seeding. Producer planted Enduro 525 HD with a bushel and a half of oats. Cutting number 1 has been made. He will be able to get 2 more profitable cuttings (very few weeds present) this seeding year.
Fall Dormancy 4 Alfalfa - Dairy Quality
Enduro 420 HD® Alfalfa
FD 4; WSI 2; DRI 30/30
non-GMO alfalfa
excellent digestibility
high yielding
more milk per acre
branching root to lessen heaving
expands your harvest options
offers longer harvest time to hold quality
retains forage quality up to 35 days
increases harvest flexibility
This is by far your best option if you are milking cows or simply want the best quality alfalfa you can find.
Leafhopper Resistant Alfalfa
FD 4; WSI 2; DRI 29/30
Enduro 429 LHR is CISCO's leaf hopper resistant alfalfa variety. It's an 8th generation release with a 29/30 disease package. Enduro 429 LHR is a fall dormancy 4 with a winter survival rating of 2.
Enduro 429 LHR alfalfa is a perfect choice for a producer who does not plan to spray for leaf hoppers. It's also a great choice for use in custom mixes.
It comes standard with Apex Green coating (potentially organic eligible).
Best Alfalfa for Tougher Soil Conditions
Enduro 423AP roots on the left showing resistance Aphanomyces Race 1, 2, and 3.
FD 4.5; WSI 2; DRI 39/40
Enduro 423AP alfalfa with StandLife Genetics™ protection is an excellent variety that is uniquely bred for outstanding resistance to multiple strains of Race 1 and Race 2 of Aphanomyces Root Rot. Additionally, Enduro 423AP is resistant to Aphanomyces Race 3 as well.
The Aphanomyces Root Rot disease prunes roots throughout the life of the stand. StandLife Genetics™ protection alleviates this problem better than any other alfalfa genetics.
Enduro 423AP is an exceptionally high yielding and persistent alfalfa with excellent plant health and very good forage quality. Place this variety in fields where you suspect heavier disease pressure for the greatest value of this tremendous variety.
CISCO 328 Alfalfa
This is the alfalfa for the producer on a budget.
Fall dormancy 3 alfalfa
Winterhardiness 1.8
Large crowns with good tillering and heaving tolerance
Superior persistence due to excellent disease package
Reasonably priced – tremendous value
Excellent forage quality
Available with OMRI approved Apex Green Coating
CISCO 328 Alfalfa with HayMaster Grass Mix
For proper alfalfa selection, see our Alfalfa Performance Chart.
For planting guidelines, see our Seeding Information Guide.