CISCO Farm Seed

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Cover Crop Field Day Set for Blanchard, MI

CISCO Seeds is hosting a cover crop field day at the Daniel Detweiler Farm.

It will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at:

11409 W. Fremont Road
Blanchard, MI 49310

The program starts at 10:00 a.m. and features a soil health discussion by Christina Curell of  MSU and Tim Wiliams from Remond Mineral. Paul Gross, also of MSU, will follow with a discussion on cover crop selection and establishment. Jeremy Sweeten, CISCO Seeds agronomist and forage expert, along with Terry Stiles, will offer training on utilizing cover crops for forage production and lead in plot tour. 

This event features a free lunch, which includes pizza and ice cream. 

We look forward to seeing you there.