CISCO Farm Seed

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Videos: Planting Soybeans into a Cereal Rye Cover

The following videos show a farmer planting soybeans into a rolled cereal rye crop.  

Video 1: Rolling the cereal rye. 

Video 2: Planting into the cereal rye. 

Video 3: Soybean emergence.  


Rolled June 4th at 75% flowering/anther shed and planted no-till soybeans same day. Purpose is for weed control, moisture retention, and soil health. We will see what happens . . .
We rolled this in the morning and planted one hour later. Plant population of 150,000/acre. No burndown applied, just rolled. We will see how this ends up at harvest time! By the way, this field had 3 inches of rain 3 days ago . . . .
South of Rensselaer, Indiana. Rolled June 4th, planted soybeans with the rows June 4th to population of 150,000. Video taken June 21, so cereal rye is still dying back. Video will be taken every couple weeks to track progress. Wondering if planting on angle to cereal rye row before crimping would get a more uniform emergence?