Aphanomyces Root Rot: The Race is on to Defend Alfalfa

Once thought of as a wet-soil disease, aphanomyces root rot is more widespread than many realize. It’s also one of the few alfalfa diseases to develop races — genetic variations of the pathogens that challenge established resistant varieties— making it doubly threatening to long-term alfalfa productivity. 

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8 Factors That Can Determine Alfalfa Success

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing alfalfa seed and fashioning your overall forage management plan, including yield potential, stand persistence/winterhardiness, disease resistance and forage quality. Following are tips for making sure you’re selecting the best seed for your specific fields and covering what is necessary from a systems management perspective to help maximize yield potential.

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Giant Marshmallows Beat Snowballs Any Day

Balage, bale silage, or giant marshmallows have become an alternative harvest practice on many Indiana forage farms.  It has become a great tool in the hay making arsenal to help prevent hay from becoming rain damaged.  Dr. Johnson, Purdue University Forage Extension Specialist, and Jason Tower, Southern Indiana-Purdue Agricultural Center Superintendent, have given several presentations on balage and the benefits of it.  In this article I would like to expand on their ideas and discuss what we have learned on our farm.

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