Benefits of Radish
Radishes have become quite common in the cover crop world; and with good reason. Below are some of the benefits of growing radishes on your row crop acres:
Potentially deep penetrating large tuber
This depends on whether you plant them early enough and how much nitrogen you have left in the field. If you've been using manure, you'll see some fairly big tubers in the field.
Reduce soil compaction
Radishes are great for busting up compacted soils. They'll go where corn and soybean roots generally can't go - and then the following year's crop will follow those root channels.
Earthworm “Heaven”
It seems like wherever the radishes are, there you'll find the earthworms. If you're working to rebuild some overworked fields, radish should be part of your program.
Voracious scavenger of nutrients
The studies done on this are conclusive. These plants love to go grab left over nutrients in the field.
Good for Grazing
Although they don't have the tops like turnips do, they're still green enough that you can run the cattle out.
CISCO Radishes
Scav-N-ger® Radish
This is CISCO's own brand of radish.
Scavenger Radish is know for its deep, penetrating root. After years of working with this product, you can be sure you're getting a great radish; and it's at an economical price. Scavenger is sold both raw and coated.
It mixes well with small grains and grasses. Like all radishes, it's an earthworm magnet. It has a deep taproot and fine root hairs. It works hard to reposition nutrients from the soil profile.
Groundhog Radish breaking through a hard pan in Northwest Indiana.
Groundhog Radish
Groundhog is a true radish variety, not a "variety not stated" daikon radish with marketing attached to it. You can be sure that Groundhog will exhibit consistent performance year after year.
Much of what we know about radishes was learned through years of research with this variety. If you're looking for a proven product, Groundhog is a great choice.
buster radish
Buster radish is actually a blend of two radish varieties mixed together. Buster has performed well over our entire marketing area.
Buster stays vegetative and you won't see a lot of seed heads in the fall.
Also available: Respect Radish - this is a fumigant radish that works well with black oats for nematode suppression.
For planting guidelines, see our Seeding Information Guide.