CISCO Farm Seed

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CISCO Seeds Unveils New Cover Crop Mixer

Cover Crop Demand Fuels Innovation

With the increasing demand for cover crops that has taken place over the past several years, CISCO Seeds has increased its seed mixing capacity this past winter by installing a new mixer. With many cover croppers abandoning straight species in favor of multi-species mixes, the ability to mix seed accurately, get it bagged, loaded, and delivered in a timely fashion is more critical than ever. 

Adam Pearl, Project Manager at CISCO, says that he estimates CISCO will be able to mix and bag out about 20,000 pounds of seed per hour, when loading totes. Adam says "the main advantage of the system is that it is entirely dedicated to cover crop/forage seed. This will reduce any potential for cross contamination between the turf products and field seed. Another advantage of the system is that it is a horizontal mixer. This system is gentle on the seed, since it is designed with paddles that scoop and blend the seed.  This will result in less breakage of coatings and the seeds themselves vs. the vertical auger type mixers.” 

Dave Pearl, President and CEO of CISCO Seeds, is very excited for the potential of this new mixer. He says that the main reason CISCO installed the new mixing system is to meet the immediate demands for seed mixes that inevitably arise each season. Pearl says "We can turn products quicker and more efficiently, while remaining extremely cost competitive."

Advantages in Review

  • Increased daily seed mixing volume
  • Faster turn around time for customers
  • Eliminates cross contamination
  • Less potential for seed or coating damage