I’m often asked what my favorite cover crop is after wheat and why. That’s a hard question because there is sufficient growing season after wheat to grow just about anything in the book!
Read MoreN-Vest Nutribuilder Mix
Fall Cover Crop Mix Doing the Job
It’s important to get maximum benefit out of your fall-planted cover crop. Choose the species or mix that will have maximum benefit for the following year’s cash crop, while also remembering the long-term benefits associated with the ongoing use of cover crops.
Read MoreRick Clark of Clark Land & Cattle, Williamsport, Indiana, stands in a field with cover crop covers that will be planted with corn or soybeans. Since farming green, Rick has made significant reductions to inputs while seeing an uplift in cash crop yields.
How to cut input costs while improving cash crop yields
A 27.5 percent decrease in synthetic nitrogen, 49.5 percent decrease in farm diesel, 91.8 percent decrease in MAP (monoammonium phosphate) and a 100 percent decrease in both lime and potash applications – these are just a few of the impressive input reductions Clark Land & Cattle have made from 2011 to 2018 – while improving yield averages year on year.
Read MoreA cash crop farmer’s advice for a successful cover crop
A 14-year veteran to cover cropping, Dave has many words of wisdom from lessons learned for his fellow producers venturing into cover crops for the first time.
Read MoreCattle grazing a cover crop cocktail mix designed both for animal performance and soil health
Event: Cover Crops for Forage & Soil Health
King Street Dairy & Thistle Dew Dairy is hosting cover crop field day specifically aimed at cover crops for both forage production and soil health. If you are interested in attending this event, please see the details below.
7916 Swaffer Road • Vassar, Michigan 48768
- NRCS programs for cover crops & Soil
- MAEAP verification
- Incorporating cover crops in a grazing rotation
- Seed representatives will be available
- Soil health discussion
- Cover crop plot walk
Please RSVP by September 4 to the Tuscola County Farm Bureau office 989.673.4157 or Steve Schaub at the NRCS office
Click here for the full flyer.