Read MoreIf you do have any moisture, then it is an ideal time to plant some brassicas for late summer and fall use. Forage type brassicas are highly productive and digestible and usually can be grazed within 75 days after seeding, sometimes earlier. Brassicas need moisture to get started and for speedy growth and good yield. Summer seeded brassicas — seeded now to August — can help supplement forages and also help extend the grazing season.
Feeding Less and Grazing More
Read MoreYour goal each year should be to feed less and graze more. Think about how short you can cut your feeding time frame. If you are feeding hay five months out of the year now, can you reduce that to four, three or less?
Grazing Summer Annual Mix
This is a summer annual mix consisting of pearl millet, sorghum sudangrass, forage sorghum, and radish. This area was bale grazed the previous winter.
When is the ideal time to start grazing?
Yes, there is green grass. Yes, both you and the livestock are more than eager to utilize it. Yes, you both should wait before grazing it.
It is one of the hardest times of the season for some people, me included. We are tired of mud and tired of feeding hay. There is an increasing amount of fresh new lush green grass beckoning to be grazed. Why shouldn’t you allow the cows to partake in this new growth? When is the ideal time to start grazing?
Read MoreGrazing Cover Crops
Combing grazing with cover crops is like 1+1=3.
First, there is the benefit of the cover crop and manure for soil health. Nutrients are being cycled. Approximately 66% of the phosphorous and 90% of the potassium that is in a plant when grazed are returned to the soil in the form of manure
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