One of the many great things about cover crops is that they not only cover and build the soil, they can also be used to feed livestock. That’s an outstanding two-for-one benefit. Our team received this question from a dealer looking for a dairy forage blend for one of his customers to seed once spring arrives.
Read MoreTeff Grass as an Alternative Summer Forage
Teff Grass is a versatile summer annual crop that can be fed to multiple species. It thrives in hot weather and produces high quality forage. If you're running low on forage, Teff Grass may be an option to help you fill the barn.
Read MoreSingle Year Hay Crop for Cattle
We received the following email from one of our retailers:
I have a customer that isn’t able to plant in some wet spots…. Hoping that it dries out in the next week- what would you recommend for a forage grass, one year, for cattle hay???? Let me know what the inventory looks like for your recommendation and the costs…
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