When scouting for alfalfa weevil, begin by looking at the newest leaves on the plant. Feeding damage from alfalfa weevil begins as very small pin holes in the newest leaves and damage around the leaf margin. Inspect the plant buds where the new leaves are unfurling and look for a very small green caterpillar with a black head and faint white stripe.
Read MoreThe Time is Now to Scout Alfalfa Fields
Two recent articles published by the Agronomic Crops Network, Ohio State University Extension - highlight the importance of scouting alfalfa fields. One article touches on NDF while the other highlights a common pest, the weevil. Check out the links below.
Time to Check Out Your Forage Legume Stands
The Ohio State University has published a couple of nice pieces encouraging us all to check out our forage legume stands. The links are below.
Be on the Lookout for Alfalfa Weevils
Indiana has had enough warm, spring days for alfalfa growers to start seeing alfalfa weevil emerging in their fields. So producers should be scouting for the pest now instead of waiting to see obvious damage before doing anything about it, a Purdue Extension entomologist says.
The early season pest is active in both adult and larval forms in the spring, and heavy infestations can be destructive to the alfalfa crop.
Read MoreLook closely at the middle of the picture to see the alfalfa weevil larvae.
Time to Scout for Alfalfa Weevil
If you've been out scouting your alfalfa fields, you may have noticed some alfalfa weevil damage.
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