Read MoreSome people try to make pasture management a lot more difficult than needed…Some might think that a pasture that is grazed evenly to the ground, all the time, means that no forage was lost – no…It is really about the management of the forage to achieve the goals of production…
New Sorghum Sudangrass Variety Performing Well in Tough Conditions
Our brand new product, SS 711 BMR BD, is performing exceptionally well in not-so-ideal circumstances. After receiving no rain for 45 days and surviving through 100-degree temperatures, the field finally received two substantial rains.
Read MoreGrazing Considerations in Late Summer / Fall
Read MoreIf you do have any moisture, then it is an ideal time to plant some brassicas for late summer and fall use. Forage type brassicas are highly productive and digestible and usually can be grazed within 75 days after seeding, sometimes earlier. Brassicas need moisture to get started and for speedy growth and good yield. Summer seeded brassicas — seeded now to August — can help supplement forages and also help extend the grazing season.
The Time is Now to Scout Alfalfa Fields
Two recent articles published by the Agronomic Crops Network, Ohio State University Extension - highlight the importance of scouting alfalfa fields. One article touches on NDF while the other highlights a common pest, the weevil. Check out the links below.
Time to Check Out Your Forage Legume Stands
The Ohio State University has published a couple of nice pieces encouraging us all to check out our forage legume stands. The links are below.