Discovering the Value of Cover Crops in Northwest Indiana - 2013 Report

One of the biggest questions was, “Did I get my money’s worth in cover crop growth?” The answer to that was one of the most surprising finds of our soil pit tour. “Success was not always what we saw on top.”

To help describe and illustrate, here is a recap of what we found in the soil pits. The chart on the next page is a summary of what we found.


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Crop Insurance and Cover Crops - Webinar

I thought I’d pass along a link to a great webinar I attended last week put on by NRCS, ATTRA, and RMA.  It has to do with the most recent changes to crop insurance and how it deals with the use of cover crops. These policy changes were made in the last 2 weeks so the information is fresh and answers a lot of questions, particularly about termination and use for forage/hay.

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